Want to invite your friends or family to Man O War Church this summer but don't know where to start? We can help!

We have so many exciting events for all ages and life stages this summer that you won’t want to miss!

Sample Text Message

Hey! What are you up to this weekend? We’re going to take the kids to ___________ at our church. It’s  a great place to get to know other people with kids the same age and we’d love if you and the family came with us!

Conversation Starter

1) What do your kids do during the summer when they’re out of school?

2) Do you want to come with me to a free event where our kids can play and we can hang out?

Why Invite People?

1) Lexington is a community in need of believers who can reach out to show they care.

2) The unchurched can make new friends and experience the love of Jesus in a safe and friendly environment.

3) Kids have a fun place to learn and be loved, and parents can enjoy worship, teaching, and meeting others in a casual, cool space.