Weekly Lexington Bulletin

To see Lexington area covered in unceasing prayer (1 Thess. 5:17) by 31+ churches until Jesus returns! A unified church with one heart, one mind and one prayer to see God transform our city! A growing number of pastors leading their churches in 24 hours per month of unceasing prayer! will result in unity and begin the city being transformed one prayer at a time!

I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. –Isaiah 62:6-7

The Man O’ War Church has chosen the 2nd Tuesday of each month as the designated day to cover the Lexington community in 24 hours of unceasing prayer. The church will raise up prayer warriors to cover their designated day and time in prayer each month.
GENESIS is a series of classes designed to mark the beginning of your journey at Man O’ War Church. GENESIS will help you discover, understand and believe your church, develop and go deeper in your faith and ultimately, see where you fit into the ministries here. Join Pastor Mitchell in the Pastor's Office for 3 consecutive weeks as he explains who we are, what we believe and how you can grow in ministry here at Man O War Church. There will be a question and answer session.

Next Class begins on May 4, 2025.
SERVICE TIMES at Lexington Campus
Sunday Worship | 9am & 11:15am
Sunday Teaching | 10:30am
Wednesday Worship | 7pm
SERVICE TIMES at Winchester Campus
Sunday Worship | 10:15am
Prayer Meeting | Tuesdays at 7pm
and Thursdays at 11am
Celebrate Recovery | Wednesdays at 7pm
Thursday Worship | 7pm
Prayer  Meeting in the Worship Center
Tuesdays at 10am
Fridays at 7pm
Celebrate Recovery
7pm in the Learning Center
Monthly 24-hour Prayer
2nd Tuesday of Month, 10am